Friday, June 17, 2022

Catholic Books for Children by Amy Welborn


From the Loyola Kids Book of Heroes by Amy Welborn:

What do heroes do?
Do they fight monsters? Sometimes, but they also hold the hands of people who are sick and lonely. They build schools. They study the planets. They forgive those who have harmed them. Heroes are people who look at the world around them, see what needs to be done, and through the grace of God find the strength to help others.
 In the thirty-six stories in 
Loyola Kids Book of Heroes, you’ll meet a Catholic nun who stood up to the most infamous outlaw in the Old West. You’ll learn how entire villages of men and women devoted their lives to building great cathedrals to show their love and respect for God. You’ll learn about John the Baptist, Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, Charlemagne, St. Albert the Great, Dorothy Day, St. Patrick, and many others. Most of all, you’ll learn that with God’s help anyone can be a hero and make the world a better place.

"amy welborn"

Known as Albert the Great; scientist, philosopher, and theologian, born c. 1206; died at Cologne, 15 November 1280. He is called "the Great", and "Doctor Universalis" (Universal Doctor), in recognition of his extraordinary genius and extensive knowledge, for he was proficient in every branch of learning cultivated in his day, and surpassed all his contemporaries, except perhaps Roger Bacon (1214-94), in the knowledge of nature. Ulrich Engelbert, a contemporary, calls him the wonder and the miracle of his age: "Vir in omni scientia adeo divinus, ut nostri temporis stupor et miraculum congrue vocari possit" (De summo bono, tr. III, iv).