Saturday, June 26, 2021

Gospel, June 27 Mass


Today's Gospel features more narratives of Jesus healing .

In the Loyola Kids Book of Bible Stories, I have a couple of chapters dedicated to Jesus' healing actions, in different sections of the book. Remember that the stories in the book are organized according to when a Catholic would generally hear that Scripture proclaimed during the liturgical year. So, for example, the healing of the paralytic lowered through the roof by his friends is in the "Lent" section.

Other narratives are collected in a chapter in "Ordinary Time," and so here we are. Here are the first and last pages of that entry, offered to help you understand the book's structure. Every Biblical retelling ends by connecting the Scripture to the life of the Church in some way - either practice or belief - as well as with a question for reflection and a prayer prompt.

amy welborn

Link does not go to Amazon, but to the Loyola site. Please consider ordering any books either directly from the publisher, an online Catholic retailer or a local bookseller or parish gift shop! And if they don't carry the book....ask them to.

amy welborn