Sunday, May 30, 2021

May 31- The Visitation

  May 31  is the feast of the Visitation. I wrote about in my book, Mary and the Christian Life, which is available as a pdf, here. Here's an excerpt from the chapter:

For centuries, the disciples of Jesus have easily and joyfully
incorporated Mary into their spiritual lives. With the angel, we
greet Mary. With Elizabeth, we call her blessed.

Why? Because we sense that in greeting Mary, we welcome the
Christ she bears.

In greeting her, we offer indirect but powerful praise to God,
for it is God who has done this. God has entered creation in this
most ordinary moment, in this most ordinary way.

In the meeting of Mary and Elizabeth, so much resonates and
gently gestates outside the women’s wombs. Mary has traveled
so far, in haste, to meet the older woman whom, we are told, had
been living in seclusion herself.

One travels, one welcomes, and in their meeting, in this visitation,
we see the heart of hospitality, welcome, and friendship.

One way to look at it is this: these two women recognize
the action of God in each other’s lives. They have listened and
heard good news about each other, and they bring it all into their
encounter. They treasure each other. They treasure the new lives
growing within. They are attentive to those little lives as well.

Mary and the Christian Life by Amy Welborn