Many years ago, Amy Welborn wrote a pamphlet on St. Nicholas for Creative Communications for the Parish. It's been out of print for a while, but the news today is that it's back! Repackaged just a bit, but substantially the same. Here it is!

Even during the years it was out of print, the wonderful St. Nicholas Center kept the flame lit by featuring a prayer I wrote for the pamphlet on their website, so I'm appreciative of that - and now, appreciative that Creative Communications is bringing it back - so if you are responsible for ordering such things for your parish or school...take note!

Even during the years it was out of print, the wonderful St. Nicholas Center kept the flame lit by featuring a prayer I wrote for the pamphlet on their website, so I'm appreciative of that - and now, appreciative that Creative Communications is bringing it back - so if you are responsible for ordering such things for your parish or school...take note!