St. Jane de Chantal is featured in The Loyola Kids' Book of Heroes by Amy Welborn
I. Faith
- Introduction: Jesus is Born
- John the Baptist: A Hero Prepares the Way
- Early Christian Martyrs: Heroes are Faithful Friends
- Medieval Mystery Plays: Heroes Make the Bible Come to Life
- St. Albert the Great: Heroes Study God’s Creation
- Sister Blandina Segale: Heroes Work in Faith
II. Hope
- Introduction: Jesus Teaches
- Pentecost: Heroes on Fire with Hope
- Paul: A Hero Changes and Finds Hope
- St. Patrick and St. Columba: Heroes Bring Hope into Darkness
- St. Jane de Chantal: Heroes Hope through Loss
- St. Mary Faustina Kowalska: A Hero Finds Hope in Mercy
- Introduction: Jesus Works Miracles
- Peter and John: Heroes are Known by their Love
- St. Genevieve: A City is Saved by a Hero’s Charity
- St. Meinrad and St. Edmund Campion: Heroes love their Enemies
- Venerable Pierre Toussaint: A Hero Lives a Life of Charity
- Rose Hawthorne Lathrop: A Hero Cares for Those Who Need it Most
- Blessed Teresa of Calcutta: A Hero Lives Charity with the Dying
- Introduction: Jesus Strikes a Balance
- Peter and Cornelius: Heroes Love Their Neighbors
- Charlemagne and Alcuin: Heroes Use their Talents for Good
- St. Francis: A Hero Appreciates Creation
- Venerable Matt Talbot: Heroes Can Let Go
- Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati: A Hero Enjoys the Gift of Life
- Introduction: Jesus Gives Us Leaders to Help us Make Good Choices
- Paul and Barnabas at Lystra: Heroes See the Good in All Things
- St. Jean de Brebeuf: A Hero Respects Others
- Catherine Doherty and Jean Vanier: Heroes Bring New Ideas
- Venerable Solanus Casey: A Hero Accepts His Life
- Blessed John XXIII: A Hero Finds a New Way