Thursday, February 11, 2016

Amy Welborn in Living Faith for Lent

Today - Thursday after Ash Wednesday - is the commemoration of Our Lady of Lourdes.
Living Faith has a special Lent daily devotional booklet. They don't put the entries online as they do with the regular devotional (my last entry in it is here), but the e-version of the devotional is only .99 and is available here.  Today happens to be one of my entries, "amy welborn"and you can read it if you click on the "look inside" feature and scroll down a bit. 
A preview:
“If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself
and take up his cross daily and follow me.  Luke 9:23
                Perhaps I have made some plans for  Lent. Perhaps I have worked out what my daily cross shall be:  Extra prayer times and practices I’ll take on; particular pleasures I’ll forgo; works of mercy to which I’m committed. 
                After all, intentionality and a thoughtful spiritual plan are good things.
                But I’m struck that on this first full day of Lent, I’m also invited to consider how God’s grace moves in completely unexpected ways in quiet corners of life.    MORE