Pardon me... if I'm a little
verklempt this week. My second-to-the-oldest son David graduates from high school next Friday and will promptly move away to go to college. A sign of my state: I pulled out
Where the Wild Things Are tonight and read it to Joseph for the first time. The very same copy I'd read to Christopher (20) and David (almost 18)...I usually don't tear up until last page
(...and it was still hot..) - which I do every single time, and have for 18 years - but tonight, I just opened the darn book and started reading, and they started. Time goes so fast, and the worst thing about it is that God may lead them away on their own path, as He should, and as they must go, but for some reason, He doesn't see fit to take away a mother's stubborn, unyielding passion to make everything all right in her children's lives, to leave that supper waiting....even when they're out of reach and really
should be making everything all right all by themselves, on their own, out of their own strength.
...and into the night of his very own room where he found his supper waiting for him...
and it was still hot.